Quetal mi gente , pasandoles a dejar esta compilacion con la cual empesamos a despedir el año asi que si quieres esta compilacion dejame un buen comentario y correo de no dejar buen comentario no enviaran el link .
What's up my people, leaving me this compilation with which we started to say goodbye to the year so if you want this compilation leave me a good comment and email if you don't leave a good comment they won't send the link
remember to visit the new blog that I am posting compilations that I do not post here
Gracias bros I just want u guys 2 know how much I really appreciate what u do 4 us by droppin these sweet comps & all the hard work & time u put n2 them ✌️
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BorrarThank You In Advance OG,Much Appreciated For All You Do!
Gracias por compartir este nuevo enlance de oldies en español se ve firme
ResponderBorrarI look forward to this to hear it at the end of the year, please send it to my email: arsmith036@gmail.com
ResponderBorrarGracias x esta Recopilacion De Oldies en Español esperemos Escucharla O.G SadBoy elpelon_1981@hotmail.com
ResponderBorrarHello, love the playlist! i would love to get the for this album. thank you! eugene4149@gmail.com
ResponderBorrarEarly Christmas present thanks so much for this.
Always ready to hear all these sweet sounds. Gracias. rsolis24@gmail.com
ResponderBorrarUn chingo sin trepar algo en español karnal espero y poder obtenerlo como gran parte que ya e recopilado de tu gran trabajo aqui seguimos firmes y que vivan las oldies karnal 😎
ResponderBorrarOjala y suene para ahora en navidad karnal hay pa echarnos unos mezcales